Monday, 24 September 2012

Photography: Waffle

Got the cravings for waffle today. And before I eat them, let's do some shots first. :)

Time to de-stess.

How many squares can you count? Nearly everyone on the facebook page got it wrong, 
do you think you can get it right? 

Sharing is caring ♥♥

Which are the best gifts we could give our kids?

One of them is a strong set of personal values. And what is our personal values? Do we actually set a good example to our children everyday? Remember, everything we do would be a reflection of what our children might follow in future, be it good or bad.

There's a sentence (shown in the magazine) which I loved most, "Once you sow a habit, you reap a destiny." 

Priceless principles (extracted from the mag)

1. Courtesy & Respect: Courteous behaviour towards everyone - be it parents, superiors or the cleaners at the hawker centre - show respects for others and for oneself. A courteous child reflects a good upbringing and gives skills to get along with others, be like and command respect as a grown-up. It goes deeper than just remembering to say "please" and "thank you". It also involves teaching children to be thoughtful when communicating with others - greeting their elders, choosing sensitive words rather than harsh ones, thanking those who provided a service and letting the elderly go first. Such lessions call for parental role modelling. Don't belittle children or shout at them, as this shows them mocking and yelling at others are acceptable ways to communicate. And correct them at once when they are impolite.

2. Hard work: Teach children the value of hard work and they will not be sidelined by the temptation of taking "the easy way out". When kids learn good working habits and attitudes when they are young, they able to live a productive life by continuing to work hard towards their goals. Instilling the value of hard work in children enables them to face life's challenges, work for what they want and motivate themselves to excel. Lamenting on how many kids have a sense of entitlement these days, Nur Farah Yahya, 42 a trainer and mother, is all for giving kids chores at home. "Doing housework and having after-school; jobs (for older kids) can build self-esteem and confidence. As adults, we feel a sense of satisfaction after a job well done, so pass that on to your kids!"

3. Honesty & Intergrity: Honesty is the backbone of healthy relationships in life. Teaching children this value is an important and ongoing lesson. Explain to them that people who lie are not trusted and respected. By demonstrating the value of integrity, parents show children the importance of keeping to their word, says Theresa. "Children will learn that their word is their bond - even if it's a simple exercise like clearing the table after homework," she explains. Stress the importance of always being able to count on each other to tell the truth, even when it's difficult. "Be honest with your children and, if you catch them lying, don't shame them into admitting the truth," suggests Nur Farah. "I give my kids a chance to admit the truth first and praise them if they do. If they don't, then I stress that, as a family, it's important for us to be able to count on each other to be honest."

4.  Empathy and Compassion: Being considerate and compassionate underpins the quality of niceness. Children who don't learn empathy become callous and offensive adults, oblivious of how their actions or hurt others. Teach a child to put himself in another's position and imagine what the other person might feel. Ask: "How would you feel if someone called you names?"

Mirror, mirror
In daily life, parents should monitor their own behaviour, Theresa says: "Parents need to take a honest look at themselves when they deal with conflict. Are they good listeners or defensive? Children observe your behaviour. In cases of mistakes, apologises in the kids' presence. Speak kindly and respectfully to your spouse and show children that you value each other. Values begin at home." 




还有,还有!她还是跟以前一样的38哩,太棒了啦!!哈哈 :D

Early celebration - Mid autumn Festival

I'm quite impressed with all the girls.
They have danced pretty professionally and gracefully; especially at such young age.

And the main question comes along, which CCA (there are more though) should Jonas join next year? Haha...





Sunday, 23 September 2012


对啦,能吃是福。 但也不要吃得太过量哦。:)

old airport road, food centre

样样都好吃! 不过这两天这样放肆的吃,好有罪恶感!就好比在糟蹋我自己身体一样!

但偶尔‘糟蹋’自己一下也不错的啦。能吃是福嘛!哈哈~  *矛盾心情*
Sunday, 16 September 2012

Vacuum wrapped Photography!

Seen it before?? My first time to see it though. Quite ridiculous but it's a flesh idea, that no one else uses it yet! 

Am just wondering.... will they get short of breath? The Photographer have to be fast in taking their pictures. 
Thursday, 13 September 2012

New flavor on rack!

Oreo ice-cream flavor - Orange! 
Yummy yummy!

Recycle lantern making Part two

TADAH! Aw's version of the tin lantern! 

Too little holes.

Anyway, looked fine to me. Hahah.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

For iPhone users

iPhone 5 is out. Contemplating if I should stick to iPhone or Samsung? Very tricky. And I believe many people are falling into the situation like this. :)

I dont' know.... all I know was, iPhone really takes good pictures........!

Here's a link to see beautiful photos created by iPhone.

Hover iPhone Photography to see :)

Recycle lantern making Part one

Remember my post yesterday regarding Jonas' class project on recycle lantern? I found this container in my cabinet, and a 'lame' idea came into my mind! Haha! Now angry birds are still in the trend, right? So Jonas suggested put some birds on it, lol! 
Very serious at work 

The outcome

Convenient snacks for kids

My 2 younger boys love it!

选个吉日来 try try 看 ;)

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Mariah Carey - I still Believe

Project: Recycle lantern

Jonas has a class project for the Mid-Autumn Festival, using recycle materials. So I went google for it and TA-DAH! I found this! 
Simple and nice. And doesn't need to worry about the whole thing on FIRE! :) 
But gotta be very careful with the sharp edges.

And by the way, how do you celebrate the Mid-Autumn with your family? Does all of you go to Chinese Garden every year? And I do. ;) Besides Chinese Garden, Chinatown is a good place to indulge in the festive mood too!

I'm born in 80s. What about you?

Memories flushed back when I chanced upon this blog: Remember Singapore, 1980s. I'd a great time reading it and feeling super nostalgic now! Haha... I want a time machine to bring it all back, back to the time where life was much simpler.

What I love about 80s, of cos I feel younger! Haha.. not as if I'm very old now but it's nice to be young and innocent. 
 *roll eyes* ;P
I love the nintendo game whilst our body will swing right or left when we were 'ganchiong' to avoid 'lang gar' (kena accident and then lose the game!) (not sure you does or not, but me, YES!) And if the game cartridge can't work, I would 'blow' and then put it back again. lol!

Another thing I love is our tape cassette! 'Rewind, forward', cham, jammed liao? Use a pencil to wind it back in place la!  

Aaron Kwok! And I've got them before too! Most of it, but not all.

Photos courtesy by

And many much more! 

Anyone wants to go for this? Growing up in the 1980s in Singapore with fond memories

It's a good chance for family bonding too!

This event was created by 3 on tree is a collaborative art group started by 3 crafty budding Singaporean artists who love illustration and like to bring their creative ideas to life. Though individually they have styles of their own, together they hope to present you with engaging visuals of subject matters close to their hearts. 
Venue: Happy Willow 1 Fusionopolis Way, Fusionopolis, Connexis Tower, #B1-06, Singapore 138632 
Opening Hours: 9.30am-6.30pm (Mon-Fri) 9.30am-7.30pm (Sat, Sun and Public Holidays) 

Admission: Weekdays – Monday to Fridays 
3 hour playtime S$18 per child (2 years old and above) 
S$10 per child (9 months – less than 2 years old) 
Weekends – Saturday, Sundays & Public Holidays 
2 hour playtime S$18 per child (2 years old and above) 
S$10 per child (9 months – less than 2 years old) 
S$3 per subsequent block of 30 mins. 
6-session Willow Play Pass S$95 per package (for children 2 years old and above)
S$50 per package (for children 9 months to less than 2 years old) 

A nice song to end this entry. Enjoy! 

8 Ways to Build Your Child's Confidence

Right now, I'm experiencing some of these problems which my kids are going through; in fact it has been for a while already. I wish to improve things asap and I hope it's not too late. :)


A child’s confidence is acquired, not inherited. The first person a child comes in contact with is the mother. Her level of confidence, state of mind and temperament is reflected in her behavior. Children are highly observant, picking up negative emotions and attributing it to themselves. An unhappy mother cannot have a happy child. Even the relationships we share are portrayed in our conduct. Healthy relationships reflect positive signs to the child. If the parent has an emotional imbalance she should seek psychological guidance before it affects the child. A survey shows that we unknowingly replicate our parent’s style of parenting. This must be avoided. We must make a checklist of:
  1. The actions that caused an elevation in our self esteem
  2. Those actions that aroused negative feelings
    The idea here is to take the good from the past and leave the rest. When making this assessment remember that our parents too tried their best in the given circumstances.


During the first two years a child’s brain grows very fast. It is in these two years that the brain forms patterns of associations, i.e. mental models of the way things work. In attachment parenting parents need to be very responsive to the child’s cues. A caring secure atmosphere will make the child feel confident and happy. What a child feels about himself is very important. The bottom line is if we are comfortable with ourselves we will be comfortable with other. Holding, hugging and kissing make the child feel special and important. These are all called moral boosters. Children whose cues are not answered promptly & consistently become confused. The child carries this uncertainty that slowly fosters mixed negative feelings and a low level of confidence. Parents must be extremely attentive as babies spot fake attention immediately. We must nurture the feeling of self-esteem by meeting every smile with a smile, every cry with a hug or a snuggle. Spending more time with them from the early days makes them feel special. Parents must realize they are not superhuman. They too have bad days and this can be communicated to the child so that they grow up accepting the normal turbulences of life.


Instead of viewing playtime as a chore it should be viewed as an investment in behavioral development. It is through play that a child discovers the outside world. The basic understanding of life like the animals, birds, sounds and colors are imbibed through play. Place all the toys together and let the child choose what to play with so that their attention span does not wane. Play also helps us understand a child’s temperament at various stages of development. Through positive and supportive play we lay the foundation of self-esteem.
The more interest a parent shows in doing things with children in their early years, the more a child will reciprocate the same to their parents in the later years. Parents must understand that they are doing the most important thing in this world –“RAISING A HUMAN BEING”.


The seeds of self-confidence must be sown early. Humans crave for importance and praise. This will develop if we delegate work to them. No matter how small your child is, let them do small tasks and then praise them for a job well done. This way they realize that work is a part of life and also get exposed to various aspects of their surroundings. The result is that the concept of dignity of labor is imbibed since childhood and there is a level of confidence instilled in them. A child could not keep his hands off the vacuum cleaner, so his mom let him vacuum the hall. He ended up doing a pretty good job. Teach morals through work. This child learned to appreciate cleanliness and hard work. My own 2 year old, Vivek, carries out a few small chores. He throws his own plate and spoon in the sink after every meal. He also throws all waste into the trashcan. So put on your thinking caps and assign away. Please remember to assign work according to age and supervise till they know how to do it on their own.


Discovering a child’s latent talent is a must for parents. After keen observation
and talking to them they begin to reveal their talent. It need not be academic, varying from writing to sports to cooking. Remember our children will be happy and successful people if they work and hone their strengths. Every child has a certain spark. To develop that spark into light and bring it out into the daylight is every parent’s duty. If your child sings well, encourage him or her, as this will build their confidence, your support leading to a better performance. Don’t let societal pressure and personal preferences rule your judgment. Explain to them the importance of good academics and also guide them in their interest. This way they develop balanced thinking and it will make them a complete person.


“Children always welcome”. Hang this sign on your door. I know it can be messy inviting small friends over, but believe me when they come over you get a golden opportunity to watch your kids’ pattern of interaction. Reticence, pushiness, generosity and initiative are some of the traits that come into the limelight. At this time parents should take notice of any negative behavior or emotions. Corrections can be instructed individually or to the whole group as the situation warrants and parents get a chance to interact with their children’s friends. After the age of six, peer pressure and influence begins to increase. “To know a man, know his friends” is a proverb, which has much weight. Monitoring mom is the key word here. We must carefully observe and gently deal with any negative elements in either your child or any of the friends.


Every house must have one. It’s a wall that exclusively showcases a child’s achievements. Cut, frame and paste all their triumphs, no matter how small, right from kindergarten onwards. The presence of such an exhibition itself highlights their importance, making them constantly feel good about themselves. We as parents must provide the impetus to excel. Keep in mind that this is a lifetime process. Make this a tradition, something to pass on from generation to generation.


Some people are less fortunate then others, suffering from mental and physical disabilities. Many parents are uncertain how to deal with this and tend to feel sorry for their children, never allowing their children to feel capable of living normal lives. These children grow up feeling inadequate and attribute all their failures to their disability. One should treat the illness and not the child. With family support and encouragement the child can build confidence despite his or her seeming weakness.
Building confidence is like nurturing a plant. It needs patience. We rediscover our lost childhood in our own children and we should enjoy this enriching journey.
Sunday, 9 September 2012


Extracted from Facebook:


1、“不好玩的媽媽”──讓孩子感覺無聊 孩子:我喜歡唱歌、跳舞、繪畫、剪紙、捏泥巴,可媽媽這些都不會。媽媽早出晚歸,對我的愛好根本不感興趣,而且對我的提問也從不熱情回答,還說我的問題很奇怪,說“孩子的話為什麼這麼多”。


點評:孩子的好奇心和求知欲都很強,他們想從媽媽那裏了解很多事情,以 滿足自己的好奇心和求知欲。可如果媽媽總是一問三不知,便會讓孩子感到很失望。很容易使孩子失去對一些事情的興趣,同時也會影響媽媽在孩子心中的形象,影響親子關係的發展,同時對孩子早期語言能力的發展也很不利。 


 2、“電視媽媽”──造就冷淡孩子 孩子:媽媽一有空就坐在電視機前,電視連續劇一集不落,把我擱在一旁。我想看電視的時候,媽媽就會說很多很多的道理,不讓我看,而且,我想和媽媽玩一會,媽媽都會叫我自己去玩,每當這時候,我都覺得很不開心,為什麼媽媽都不陪我玩,電視真的有那麼好看嗎? 



 3、“苛刻媽媽”──束縛孩子 孩子:媽媽總對我不滿意,一心想把我當成一個“全能小神童”,鋼琴、舞蹈、美術、體操和電腦,我學了好多,可是她還總覺得我這樣沒做好,那樣沒學好。其實我已經很努力了,為什麼媽媽總是看不到我的努力呢?我真的覺得很累啊,媽媽可不可以讓我歇一會。 



 4、“謙虛媽媽”——壓抑孩子 孩子:我平時很努力的學習一些東西,因為我很喜歡在別人面前表現,尤其是每一次家裏來了客人的時候,在客人面前,我總喜歡表現自己最拿手的長項,但媽媽總當著他人的面說我做得不好。我真的好傷心啊,我真的很努力的做好了,而且媽媽平時也經常表揚我的,為什麼在客人面前總是說我這樣不好那樣不好呢? 

點評:在外人面前,孩子往往比較興 奮,喜歡表現,同時也不免出現一些小差錯,這是正常的。可媽媽卻認為孩子的“人來瘋”讓家長丟面子,或為了顯示自己的教子有方,當著眾人面指責孩子。孩子的自尊心有時候比大人還強,且心靈也比較脆弱,上述做法會引起他們的強烈反感,喪失自信心,甚至出現反叛情緒。 


 5、“攀比媽媽”——讓人厭煩 孩子:“你看某某多能幹,你再看看你自己。”這是媽媽經常對我說的一句話。在大家面前,媽媽總喜歡把我和別的孩子相比,她不是說我不好,就是表揚同事或鄰居的孩子比我強。其實,我覺得我自己做得也不錯。為什麼媽媽就不能表揚我一下呢?難道我真的很差嗎?



 6、“說話不算數媽媽”——叫孩子如何相信你 孩子:“媽媽總是說話不算數。她曾答應馬上給我買一個芭比娃娃,但至今仍沒有買。她還保證在外婆生日那天帶我上外婆家,但後來又說不去了。還有許許多多事情她都說得到卻做不到。最後我已不相信她的話了。這樣的媽媽真叫人掃興!” 



 7、“脾氣暴躁媽媽”——讓孩子害怕 孩子:“我的媽媽非常愛發脾氣。她經常為一點小事就大發雷霆,不僅對爸爸大聲嚷嚷,也對我大吼大叫。有時甚至還亂扔東西撒氣。每次媽媽發脾氣,我心裏都好害怕。我不知道怎樣做才能讓她消氣…… ”


 建議:每天把微笑當成一種習慣。 性格決定命運,孩子性格的好壞直接關係到他的將來,一個健康的孩子首先是心理健康。媽媽先從微笑做起,每天都給孩子一個陽光、愉悅的心情。每天微笑確實很難做到,但為了孩子,媽媽要學會克制的自己的情緒。夫妻雙方在孩子面前不吵架,不說重話,彼此尊重,給他創造一個平和的環境。在這種環境中長大的孩子,特別愛笑,性格很平和,對陌生人不怕生,也不畏懼陌生的環境

 8、“得理不饒人的媽媽”——斤斤計較,讓孩子都覺得好丟臉 孩子:“幼稚園的活動課上,我被後面的小語從滑梯上推下,擦破了額頭。事後,老師們輪番找小語談了話,又令他對我道歉。其實我摔的並不重,只是擦破點皮,貼了一片創可貼,已經不流血了。可是第二天,媽媽非要拉著我去醫院檢查。我被媽媽拉著,去兒童醫院轉了半個樓,開了一大堆化驗檢查的單子。我不禁問媽媽:我只是擦破頭,為什麼要檢查這麼多項目? 媽媽教育我說:你懂什麼?這些都是小語的爸爸媽媽出錢,你不檢查白不查。 



 9、“不尊重孩子隱私的媽媽”——讓孩子很受傷 孩子:我的媽媽很喜歡朋友、鄰居聊天時,把我的隱私公佈於眾。有一次,她們聊天時,我聽到媽媽說:“我家佳佳呀,都7歲了,前幾天還讓我們房間'發大水'了。”結果很多阿姨都哈哈大笑,這事後來成了小朋友取笑我的把柄,讓我好長時間都心裏不舒服。 



Bonding game

Guess what they are playing?
Closed up of the game: Frogs In The Bog
Images by The MKJ Photography  

Description: "SHIFT THE BOG & SAVE YOUR FROGS" - Watch out your frog buddies are stuck in the bog. Move the sliders being careful not to lose your own team into the goo. The last frog standing wins!!!!!!!

Quaker: Pumpkin, oats and grains.

Have you tried this before yet?
Images by The MKJ Photography  

 With 180cc of hot water. Verdict: My younger boy loves it but I find it a bit salty (you can add in more water). Calories are at 109 kcal with per serving of 1 sachet.


Good morning! Lovely day with dark sky. :)

Ultraman fanatic

Images by The MKJ Photography 

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